How to set up Nominations

Getting started with Each Person

1. Head to ‘Admin’

Select ‘Admin’ on the left hand side, Then click on ‘Nominations Setup’.

In this section, you can add different awards for nominations (e.g. ‘employee of the year’). You’ll have to add reasons/values for the nomination and prizes for the winner.

2. Add a new nomination

Click on ‘+ Add nomination’, here you can enter the nomination name and an image to go with the nomination. Once you have entered the information, click ‘Save’. By using the checkboxes in the table, you can edit which ones you want showing or not.

3. Reasons for Nominating

Under ‘Reasons for Nominating’, you can choose which reasons will be shown to employees when nominating. By using the checkboxes in the table, you can edit which ones you want showing or not.

5. Add a new Prize

Click on ‘+Add a prize’. Here you’ll enter the name for the prize and a value of Epoints to be awarded. You’ll also need to upload an image to go with the prize. Once you have entered the information, press ‘Save’.

6. Delete a nomination, reason or prize

To delete any nomination names, reasons or nomination prizes, click on the bin icon next to the one you want to delete and hit the delete button. Once you are sure about the item you want to remove, hit delete on the action box.