Programme (EAP)

An employee assistance programme (EAP) is a confidential service that enables you to help your people with personal or workplace issues that might be impacting their performance, wellbeing, mental, financial or physical health. 

EAP hearts each personEAP each person people

Employee Assistance Programmes Can Add a Huge Value to Your People


Reduction in depression & low mood


Reduction in workplace stress


Reduction in absenteeism in the workplace

So What’s Included? 

Confidential counselling 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 

Over the phone, online or face-to-face support depending on what makes your people feel most comfortable with.

6 face-to-face counselling sessions per employee when referred from the 24/7 helpline.

Advice on money management and lots of areas of life which employees can struggle to cope with.

Management consultancy, critical incident and managing conflict support.

a picture of the earth with a plant growing out of it.
eap each person people with ipad

Our Mission

Aiding in the wellbeing of your people will have a positive effect on

1. Employee commitment to work. 

2. Employee performance and productivity.
3. Employee turnover or intention to leave. 

4. Employee recruitment and retention.

5. Customer satisfaction. 

6. Organisational image and reputation.

7. And so much more…

Support your people when they need it most

We’re Offering EAP for Just 25p Per Employee Per Month

'In the UK, 17 million days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2021/22.'

‘1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace according to the UK Government.’

Ready to Get Started?

Sign Up
a man looking at his cell phone while smiling.

Contact Us

If you wish to improve your business start by focusing on your most important asset; your employees.

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